Food Fanatic ( quality control vs quality assurance )

1.Food Business Basics


  1. The  food  business  is  not  just  about  good  tasting  food  and  its

    preparation  processes. quality control vs quality assurance,  The  food

    business  is  actually  much  more

    complex  and  can  be  rather  confusing  and  frustrating  if  the  right

    choices  are  not  made  early  from  the  business  angle  of  the  exercise.

    quality control vs quality assurance,

    Therefore in order to avoid such possibilities the individual interested

    n dabbling in the food business should first be aware of some of the

    basic elements it entails. Get all the info you need here.

    quality control vs quality assurance

      Food Fanatic 

     Turning Your Love For Cooking Into A Money Maker


    quality control vs quality assurance


    The  following  are  some  of  the  factors  that  needs  to  be  seriously

    considered,  and  none  of  these  include  the  ability  to  cook  great  food,

    which  is  the  least  on  the  long  list  of  requirement  this  business  style

    insist upon:

     The Basics

    When  this  business  style  is  mentioned  it  is  common  for  everyone  to
    associate  the  actual  process  with  a  restaurant  or  bistro  of  sorts.

    quality control vs quality assurance definition

    However  this  is  only  a  very  small  part  to  the  bigger  picture  that  the
    food industry paints. 

    quality control vs quality assurance

    However  either  way  the  premise  where  the  business  is  to  be
    conducted had to be legally appraised and approved before any other
    steps are taken towards launching the food business.

    All the legal documentations also have to be in order with the relevant
    licenses and permits applied for and approved. Whether the business
    is a small home grown one or a large cooperation, both styles require
    the proper and legal approval before it can be considered a safe entity.
    Being sure of the niche market the business intends to cater to is also
    another consideration that should get some serious thought.  

    Identifying the niche market is important as this will eventually have
    some  bearing  on  the  success  rate  of  the  business.  There  is  no  point
    opening a particular style at a location that is not suitable to that style
    mainly because of the lack of demand. 

    difference between quality assurance and quality control in software testing

    Considering  other  elements  such as  the  lifespan  of  the  food involved
    in  the  business  endeavor  and  the  necessary  tools  to  keep  the  food
    product at its freshest should also be explored extensively.

    2.Marketing And Quality Control


    These  two  factors  play  an  important  role  is  getting  the  business  the
    recognition it needs to survive and be a success and also to create the
    intended  revenue  earning  possibilities  desired  by  the  set  up  of  the


     During the planning stage of the food business, some thought should
    be  given  to  the  type,  size  and  frequency  of  the  marketing  campaign
    chosen for the job of creating market awareness."quality control"

    The  marketing  style  chosen  should  be  suitable  and  cost  effective  so
    that it fits into the  budget allotted within the overall costing exercise
    of the business.

    The  marketing  campaign  does  not  have  to  be  lavish  nor  huge  but  if
    the  correct  tools  are  used  the  campaign  can  be  successful  and  cost

      The  important  element  to  ensure  is  that  the  general  public  and  the
    targeted  audience  are  effectively  reached  through  the  marketing
    campaign the chosen.

    Exploring tools online that are considerably cheaper in comparison to
    the  more  conventional  style  of  marketing  a  product,  can  bring
    phenomenal success in creating visibility for the product and this can
    be done without the constraints of cost, demographics, and any other
    limiting elements."quality assurance"

     quality  control  is  another  important  factor  to  ensure  is  always
    consistent and at the very best it can be.  

    There are a lot of businesses that set out with the best products purely
    because  of  the  quality  control  stringently  in  place,  sadly  however
    when  the  said  company  gains  a  strong  footing  of  the  market  share
    available, quality control is no longer a top priority.

    This becomes very obvious when the company starts to “cut corners”
    and  less  than  optimum  standards  are  applied  to  product  the  food

    it's quality control vs quality assurance

         Wrapping Up

    Most  customers  today  seem  to  have  this  very  popular  complaint
    about  products  they  were  loyal  to,  thus  maintaining  the  quality
    control is the only way to ensure the loyal customers don’t look
    elsewhere  when  their  original  satisfactions  has  been  catered  to.  So  it
    is  very  important  to  treat  your  customers  well  and  have  a  good



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